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Friday, June 12, 2009

Crazy Baby Names

Babies have the most pollution in the world. There are more babies in the world than adutls. The more adults there were the more babies will be born. But the babies today, have the most craziest names. Especially the celeberity babies. I think these celeberities name their children crazy names for attention.

Most babies who are born into the world have common names. Like most hispanic people names are Jessica, Maria or Jennifer and sometimes Amanda. Most black people have common names, that are not ghetto, like Ashley or Stephanie. But a name is a very unique thing. The name makes a person. But those who have ghetto names, still turn out to be a unique person. All a name is is character.

But names today, are unbelieveable. People name their children any types of names they please. Like for instance, Seven Sirus Benjamin. Why would Andre 3000 name his son Seven ! That is so crazy. And peaches might taste good, and be a good desert, but its not a good name. Peaches Honeyblossom Geldof ! Bob Geldof named his daughter that. Isn't that insane ?!I dont know where these names come from, but hey ! They are unique in some form of fashion.

If you want to see other crazy names, or know what your name means go to this website:

Other than that Xx. Mookie .xX OUT !

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Is Shanta a nice person?


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